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Five Centuries of Postal History in Wallachia and Moldavia, by Vasile Braia, 2016.

Five Centuries of Postal History in Wallachia and Moldavia. Transit Land Between Constantinople And West European Countries,

by Vasile Braia, 2016.

Category: History, Philatelic Literature.

Large Vermeil Medal, Internationally awarded book.

Available for print, real leather embossed cover.

For details, contact the author:

Contents of the Book

Acknowledgments. 5

Preamble. 7

Chapter I. The post at South and East of the Carpathians from the beginning of the second millennium until the end of the XIV-th Century. 9

The setting of the Feudal Romanian Countries and their Postal Services - Turkish domination. 13

Princely Chancelleries. 14

The oldest information about the Romanian Post 15

Turkish Administration. 16

Chapter II Postal Organization. 19

Postal Routes. 19

Domestic Roads. 21

Connecting routes between the Romanian Feudal States and the Western Countries. 26

Connecting routes with Transylvania. 29

Information about the roads. 45

Travelers safety on Romanian roads. 48

Post Stations, Menzils and Post Relays. 50

Resting Places. 59

Travel Authorizations. 67

Authorizations issued by the Central or County Authorities. 67

Postal Authorizations. 69

Princely couriers. 70

Princely Couriers. 70

Coaches. 71

Couriers. 74

The light cavalry. 74

Border guards. 74

Personal couriers. 77

Caravans. 78

Express Mail 89

Messengers. 80

Mail in transit 80

Foreign Couriers. 82

Post Coaches. 84

The Danube. 88

Telegraph. 99

State Post 92

Church and Convent Post 105

Chapter III. Five centuries of Romanian Postal History. 111

The Second Part of the Fourteenth Century. 111

The Oldest Documents about the Wallachian Post were issued by Prince Mircea the Elder 113

The Charter. 114

The text of Mircea the Elder’s. 114

Charter of 1409-Comments. 114

Information of postal history from the fourteenth century. 115

Fifteenth Century. 117

Seventeenth century. 131

Eighteenth century. 141

The nineteenth century. 152

Memoirs about the Romanian Postal Service. 167

Chapter IV. Who traded in the Romanian countries and carried out correspondence. 181

Chapter V. About letters. 195

Chapter VI. Postal legislation and lease contracts. 205

Chapter VII. Post cancellations used in the pre-philatelic period. 219

Post hand stamps from the period 1852 -1857. 220

Administrative hand stamps used on letters. 222

Hand Stamp "MOLDOVA” of 1857. 225

Chapter VIII. Postage stamps of Moldavia. 229

Historical background of fiscal and postage stamps. 229

The anti - unionists and the Moldavian postage stamps. 232

1856 - Fiscal Stamps. 234

22nd of July 1858 First Issue of Moldavian postage stamps. 235

Sending correspondence under Franco and Porto conditions. 248

Representative Letters. 249

Why didn't Wallachia issue postal stamps?. 251

Chapter IX. Disinfection and Postal service. 253

Disinfection in Austria. 256

Disinfection in Romanian Principalities. 269

Interior quarantines. 279

Three sanitary cordons on the Romanian Principalities borders. 279

Seals and sanitary hand stamp. 282

Quarantines organization. 283

Seals of the Border Guards. 285

Information about Quarantines. 285

Chapter X. Foreign Post Offices opened in the Romanian Principalities. 289

Austrian Post 290

Austrian Post until the Peace Congress of Vienna (1815). 290

Austrian Post between 1815 and 1829. 293

Austrian Post between 1830 and 1869. 294

Austrian Post during the Crimean War. 298

Postal relations between Austria and the Romanian Principalities. 301

The Austrian consular post offices and starosties. 303

Non-consular post offices. 308

The revolution of 1848, Russian military occupation and Austrian post complaints. 310

Austrian hand stamps. 310

Censorship. 313

Tariff. 314

Office documents of the Austrian military post 316

FRANCO marking. 316

Conclusions. 316

Russian post in the Romanian Principalities. 317

Information about the Russian post and its relations with the Romanian countries. 317

Russian post offices. 325

Hand stamps used by the Russian post offices. 326

French Post Offices in the Romanian Principalities and Dobruja. 329

Greek Post Offices in the Romanian Principalities. 332

The foreign Consulates in the Romanian Principalities. 332

Chapter XI. Transport on the Danube and Black Sea. 337

Correspondence sent by ships. 337

Austrian policy to control the navigation on the Danube. 339

International postal agreements. 342

“DDSG" - Shipping Company. 343

“LLOYD AUSTRIACO” - Sea Shipping Company. 357

The transport control at the mouth of the Danube. 359

The maritime activity of “Lloyd Austriaco” in the Black Sea. 360

Austrian post offices from Galatz and Cernavoda. 362

Hand stamps. 363

Post hand stamps: FRANCO, PD and PP. 363

Bazias Port and Pesta-Bazias Railways. 365

“DBSR” and “MORTON” - Shipping companies. 368

Enclosure I Chronology of the Crimean War. 373

Enclosure II Hand stamps used by the Austrian mlitary post offices in the Romanian Countries during the Crimean War. 377

Enclosure III Galatz and Braila Ports. 381

Selective Bibliography. 385

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