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Letter to my Unborn Son. April 2022.

One year ago, a friend I grew up with, asked on our childhood whatsApp group if anybody wants to bring their kids to the park, for a play-date and a reunion. I then ironically messaged back wondering if I am still welcomed to come, though I do not have any children.

—His answer was “You can bring your pack of beers, for keeping you company”.

Yes, in my teenage years I drank a lot of beer —who didn’t?? However, more than twenty years have passed since then, an exciting time, an amazing era of my life when I accomplished unimaginable travels, I grew and gathered precious memories and experiences about the world and its people, adventures that not many people can admit undertaking, or even dreaming to have, during their entire living.

My point is, Son, how sad and frustrated this “friend” of mine must have been, knowing his only accomplishment in life is the child, and to be able to put food on the table for him. Some people, like us, can do and have it ALL.


So here I am at forty years old, blessed to have carried you in my belly for more than eight months now.

You are your father and I’s miracle, an unexpected gift from the Universe, making us realize that you surely come on Earth with a purpose, your own Holy Grail towards which, I promise to you, we will dedicate our life for its discovery and fulfillment.

Therefore, first of all, we hope you will CHOOSE YOUR OWN PATH:

We want you to explore as many activities as you think of, and try plenty of sports, foreign languages, creative engineering, travels, musical instruments, etc. It’s up to you to name your choices and hobbies —just let us know so we can be there for you, to support you as much as we will be able to.

Your parents believe it is important to search and find your true self and direction in life, without letting anybody tell you what’s best for you, or think on your behalf. We will forever trust your reason and you should do the same.

Knowledge is power.

This leads to COURAGE:

My opinion is that courage, or the strength in the face of fear, is one of the most important qualities that one can have, in order to succeed in any of the plans and decisions in life. You need it so you’ll be able to speak out loud about your beliefs and inquire about your rights, to pursue studies or careers that other people don’t believe in, to talk honestly about your feelings and needs, to say “I am sorry” when you’re wrong, to believe and pursue your unique dreams, to love your individuality and quirkiness, and, first and foremost —the courage of failing, because true winners keep trying and fail until they succeed.

Courage is power.

Also, without LOVE, you wouldn’t have been created:

Your father and I love and respect each other very much: we accept our differences and views upon life, communicate our thoughts, appreciate and support each other, have each other’s back, share each other’s laughter and tears, strive in staying positive, and always cherish our time spent together. We try to be as much honest, with ourselves and each other, as possible, and everyday work hard at building our relationship even stronger, just like an impenetrable fortress.

My intend is, Son, to tell tell you that in order to attain meaningful, worthwhile, real achievements in life, firstly you need a stable, solid foundation you believe in, well-grown roots based on honesty, dedication and passion. —You are and will forever be your father and I’s utmost accomplishment.

Passion is power.


There are so many things I want to talk to you about, and luckily, we have many years ahead of us to get to know each other. Hopefully you will be willing to listen too, to what your parents think they can teach you, however, there is always this possibility you may be just as stubborn as your mother —and that’s Okay.



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Oana Ford
Oana Ford
22 de abr. de 2022

mi-a placut mult si m-a emotionat. Copiii, pe langa toate lucrurile minunate pe care le reprezinta, Cred ca sunt si o provocare catre parinti, ca multe pe care le fac parintii nu le inteleg. E f frumos sa ai aceasta scrisoare ca o intentie si o reamintire ca tot ce va alege el sa faca va fi bine, chiar daca Poate la moment n-o sa intelegem, pt ca va fi ales din curiozitate, interes si pasiune, si va fi calea lui. va pup!!! <3

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